I’ll love you forever, I’ll love you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Labor and Delivery

Such a huge topic, so I'll try and keep it short (and PG). I was due on Aug 26. My water broke on Aug 25 and I was convinced that I would go into labor shortly thereafter. WRONG. Despite my every effort to stimulate contractions (walking, squatting, lunging, you name it), nothing happened! I was induced with Cervidil on Aug 27 at about 2:30pm, and was sent home to wait some more. At around 6:30pm, I finally started feeling contractions (while eating an Eggo and watching Bachelor Pad, to be precise). We rode it out at home until finally heading to the hospital at midnight. At about 3am, I caved and got an Epidural (I was THAT girl who swore I would make it without one. Who was I kidding?). BEST. DECISION. EVER. My husband and I were able to get some rest before my Doctor came to check on me at about 7:40am. I'm not kidding when I tell you that he literally couldn't tell how dilated I was because, his words exactly, 'the baby's head is in the way'. About 10 minutes later, I started to push and VOILA out she came 11 minutes later. At 8:01am, our lives changed forever. I cannot say enough good things about our Doctor and nurses (especially because one of the nurses was my very own mother). I was so calm and comfortable thanks to their support and encouragement.

Here are some photos of Ava's first few hours of life.

Ava Marie weighed in at 8lbs, 1oz.

There is something about seeing your husband with your new baby that makes you fall in love all over again. 

Ok, so now for the nitty gritty. Based on my experience, here are some labor tips worth considering:
  1. Take a nice long shower at home at the last possible moment because you never know when your next chance will be (even if it means having to hang on to the shower head during contractions). One of the first things I said to the nurse after Ava was born was 'can I have a shower now?' I guess I forgot that my legs were numb...
  2. Don't bother memorizing all those breathing exercises you learn in prenatal classes. When you're in labor, the last thing you're going to do is try to remember in which phase to use the 'choo choo train technique'. Your body will instinctually do whatever it has to do to cope. At least mine did, and it involved a lot of face scrunching.
  3. Don't expect your stomach to shrink immediately after you give birth; in fact, don't even look at your stomach for like 2 weeks after you give birth. I was a little confused when I looked down only to see a big, jiggly belly. I promise it will shrink... eventually. 
  4. If your hospital food is anything like mine was, you'll want to bring back-up snacks. Crackers, granola bars, yogurt (and in my case, kit-kat bars) will suffice. And don't forget to pack food for your partner. 
  5. Check your shame at the door. I'll leave it at that.

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